

John Alexander speaks as well as writes on a range of topics:

  • Business
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance, Venture and Angel Capital
  • Strategic Planning
  • Governmental Changes to support Business and a Healthy Economy

Mr. Alexander speaks as well as emcee’s for lengthy sessions involving other speakers.
Typical Roles and Time-ranges are:
Keynote (up to 90 minutes)
Half day (up to 3 hours)
Full day (up to 6 hours)



John Alexander’s Most Requested Programs include:

Traction / EOS – The Entrepreneurial Operating System®

Mr. Alexander is an EOS Implementer / Facilitator for client companies with leadership teams which wish to clarify their vision & strategies, operate more effectively as a team, and achieve Results as never before. Traction in business is best achieved with this system. Mr. Alexander speaks on a range of topics in this area ranging from 1 ½ hour overview program on the benefits and contrast with traditional strategic planning to full day facilitation workshops on each of the key aspects of achieving Traction.


Effective Strategic Planning

The program is focused upon practical and usable strategic planning. Planning which results in a tool to understand and manage your business.

The program can run from a short speech to a half-day education in process, to a multiple day workshop resulting in a draft of the strategic plan which is useful for your business rather than a lengthy document gathering dust.


How to create your first business plan/do business planning

A business plan is often the first step in thinking through whether an entrepreneur should move ahead with a new idea. It is also a requirement to raise funding, develop strategic alliances, and attract skilled team members. This is a specific program to guide the entrepreneur through the steps necessary to create a plan that he/she can be comfortable applying all his energy to, raising funding with, and recruiting additional team members. This may be a half day or full day program.


How to start a consulting business

This program starts with an assessment to help the attendee determine whether consulting fits their personality, work ethic and lifestyle and progresses through the specific steps in setting up a practice through marketing services to potential clients. First hand experience is at the core of this program with practical “how tos” and “lessons learned” that should save the attendees time, money effort, and frustration. Mr. Alexander also finished writing a book on this topic. Depending upon timing, copies of the book may be available for attendees.


How to raise Angel and Venture Capital

Mr. Alexander has worked in and around emerging companies and on both sides of financing companies since 1985. This program is designed to help the entrepreneur understand what an investor needs to know and how to entice his interest in investing. Specifics include: the planning
needed before making contact; identifying promising potential investors (not just any investor); getting the meeting; preparing to negotiate; negotiation strategies; deal terms you should expect and how to get the deal done.


How to do effective due diligence and make that acquisition or investment

The first secret to doing a good deal or making a good investment is due diligence – or doing your homework. This program is designed to help individuals, business development teams, and companies do due diligence to assure the know what they are buying, prepare for negotiating final deal terms based upon what is learned in diligence, and develop plans for what happens after the deal.


How to create and pass effective Angel Investor Tax Credit legislation

(typically for State Economic Development Offices or Angel groups or investors interested in enacting this program in their state or improve a current program) This program is based upon the 10 years of effort to get this legislation passed in Minnesota and with emphasis on what worked and what failed. How individual citizens, industry associations and interested legislators can work to accomplish this very important effort and drive creation of new businesses in their state. Also discussed will be a review of programs across the nation and which have been most effective and which not.

Other related topics include:
Preparing for and negotiating strategic alliances, and the importance of intellectual property [patents, trade secrets, trademarks] in creating emerging technology companies.

“John Alexander’s program on strategic planning was highly educational and participatory. He was able to guide our team of skilled and highly confident physicians with diverse opinions through a process which resulted in our first strategic plan. We now have a plan that we can execute and build upon over time with support of upper management.”
University of Minnesota – Department of Medicine Uma S Valeti, MD, FACC , Director, Cardiovascular Imaging, University of Minnesota Director, Cardiovascular CT/MRI, University of Minnesota Physicians Heart
“John had a wealth of practical information and experience to share . . . John Alexander is a master in his field… I enjoyed the discussion thoroughly with the speaker. All the key takeaways and learnings from this class, I believe will always be part of my arsenal for the rest of my life”
Timothy M. Laseter, (quotes from class attendees) Professor Darden Graduate Business School, University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia
“John is great at leading disparate groups to a positive conclusion. He has the ability to make everyone feel heard, without compromising the need to get something done! This is great in situations where you want to bring the best insights out of people without it turning into a session where the only outcome is to have another meeting. In the world of coaching Early Stage companies, I think John Alexander has seen it all. He has worked with so many entrepreneurs over time that he has a sense very quickly of how to re-order their thinking in a way which makes it commercially valuable. He also has the ability to convey—gently or firmly—when the team simply MUST change their approach if they have any hope of building a business. This is extremely valuable. John has the ability to find value in technology, even when it’s not obvious. From med tech to consumer products, he has a great sense for where the leverage is. When he sees situations where there is no ‘there, there,’ he is good at redirecting the strategy to focus on the place where value is hiding. This can save companies from dying before they get started.”
John Lilly, President, John Lilly Strategic Insights, LLC (former President & CEO Pillsbury)
“We partnered with John Alexander to present a day-long “boot camp” aimed at start-up technology companies. John has also presented or emceed a number of seminars with us relating to intellectual property topics for business owners. John is a very effective presenter and organizer. He speaks the language of the business audience, and offers practical advice in a concise, easy to understand manner. One reason he is so good is that he illustrates his points with real-world examples and anecdotes drawn from his actual experience. He is able to gauge the audience during his presentations and adapt on the fly to address their particular interests and concerns. He also records the audience’s reaction and questions during our seminars, and then shares the information with us so that we can address it when planning future seminars. It has been a pleasure working with John and we look forward to continuing our partnership.”
Dorothy P. Whelan, Fish & Richardson (Intellectual Property, Litigation, Technology) Principal Minneapolis, MN

“John directs our Angel Fund meetings adroitly, with occasional wry humor as needed, and keeps everyone not only awake, but involved. Most of our membership consists of high-level executives and entrepreneurs (many with J.D, M.D., and Ph.D.- educational attainments, as well as the CEO, COO, and CFO business equivalents); John has capably focused and energized dozens of such individuals into a functioning group of evaluators and investors, which I feel is a much more difficult task than simply speaking to or educating such a group. John has spear-headed and nearly single-handedly obtained Minnesota state legislative approval and passage of an Angel Investment Tax Credit (AITC), working with another “difficult group”—state politicians! This may be his most singular achievement, given that politicians are inundated with “expert shmoozers” trying to forward their initiatives. John succeeded in getting Minnesota to pass legislation for an AITC, and remains committed to improving the bill’s provisions. Another aspect of John’s speaking/ emceeing/ directing skills is his ability to manage divergent and strong opinions that can spark controversial discussions, without quashing those opinions or letting their proponents overtake the broader goal of the discussion or meeting. In short, he is not afraid or incapable of moving the discussion along when things could otherwise bog down. This is not possible without individuals acknowledging and respecting his own educational and business expertise; John is a smart guy with lots of experience in leadership roles within large and established as well as start-up companies. His consulting business would not be successful without him being at the “top of the heap” in most aspects of organizing, promoting, and advising individuals and companies about how to become profitable in an exceedingly difficult economic environment. John knows what he’s talking about!

Richard H. Tholen, M.D., F.A.C.S., Senior Partner, Minneapolis Plastic Surgery, Ltd. Twin Cities Angels II, LLC – Executive Committee Member

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