Our Affiliates

Our Affiliates2018-10-30T02:33:08+00:00

We have built our advisory firm by affiliating with well-respected experts across a broad range of fields – with two objectives first and foremost:

  • Providing our clients with the right tools needed to fill their functional gaps or skill needs immediately, and,
  • Providing our clients with the best possible fit for their culture and organization.

Like having the right people with the right cultural fit (e.g. attitude, work ethic, passion, communication capability…) in key leadership and operational roles, an advisor’s fit with the culture, energy level, and temperament of the client is critical to success. While our affiliates are all excellent, one may be a better fit than another and we assist pulling together the best team for you.

Our current partners have expertise in the following areas/fields:

  • Manufacturing; material and component outsourcing,
  • Controllership, vendor management, management reporting and balance sheet management
  • FDA regulatory, clinical, and reimbursement
  • Administrative support: accounting, tax, and bookkeeping
  • Information systems: decision support data collection and systems, cyber security
  • Legal: corporate transactions [M&A, Licensing, etc], SEC, private offerings, intellectual property, visa support, EEOC
  • Corporate education, HR, EEOC

Ready to Talk?

Tell us more about your business challenge and lets discuss how we can help you.

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